The gilding technique replaces gold in its pure form at a much lower cost than goldsmithing, while retaining the richness, ornamentation and lustre of genuine gilding. Classic gilding is used on pulment or mixtion. Pulment gilding is referred to as a gluing or shining technique, a polishing technique and consists of applying flakes to the base layer, called pulment. Mixtion gilding, also called oil gilding, consists of applying metal flakes with the help of a prepared binder, the so-called mixture. In both techniques, the surface was often additionally protected, for this purpose various varnishes, deep or gilding paints are used. A wide range of high-quality products by artists, for artists. The production process is based on the know-how of one of the oldest Italian Di Violo manufactories, based in Florence, so the inspiration for Renesan's trademark was the lion of San Marco, a symbol of the Renaissance. A variety of articles will be built up here for acrylic and artists' needs over the next few months.